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Hopefully, we've covered all your questions! If you don't find what you are looking for, send a quick email our way and we'll try and help you out!

How do I share my story?
You can share your story by Tweeting us, messaging us, or uploading to our Facebook page, whichever is easiest for you! We will also be out and about to spread the word and lend a helping hand. Information of time and place will be posted beforehand, so watch this space!
What are you looking for?
We are looking to share stories of all sorts of things! Recent memories, past memories, photographs of a place, you, your friends, anything! It doesn't even need to be a photograph, it could be a drawing, poetry, anything linking your memory to Bath. Obviously, we will be moderating the contributions - so no naughty stuff please! 
How can people contribute offline?

We know that not everyone has access or knowledge to all this technology! If you know of a fantastic or touching story or memory that a loved one might like to share, you can meet us here, or even set up your own meeting by messaging us. We can take photographs, type up the memories, and put it all on the map for you. We want to work together with as many people as we can, to show what a diverse community we really are.




In case you're a little bit stuck...

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